Private Investing

We create deals that mutually benefit your interests and ours.
Partner with VentureAide to take your business to the next level.
We invest in middle market businesses in whose industries we understand the business dynamics, technologies and opportunities.
We evaluate each business opportunity for its unique qualities.
Our investment strategy includes:
Investment Criteria
Strength of management team
Diversity of customer base
Fragmentation of industry
Future growth prospects
Sustainability of competitive advantages, such as barriers to entry and proprietary products
Minority or Majority Ownership Positions
We invest in emerging leaders by offering entrepreneurs and business owners capital and management support.
Our advisory and industry operating experience and a broad network of resources help you in augmenting your core capabilities.
Private and Family-Owned Businesses
Gain access to capital and an active partner invested in your future success.
We invest in businesses where owners are seeking liquidity for personal planning purposes or seeking capital infusion to expand and grow the business with a long-term partner.